Sheila Esteve

Associate Director

Throughout my life, I’ve harboured a fascination for urban ecosystems. As a young child, I would often find myself captivated by people bustling through the city streets, tirelessly seeking to decipher their lives and understand how they harmonise with their surroundings. This innate curiosity has been the cornerstone of my professional journey, with the singular objective: to craft dynamic environments, where community life can truly flourish.

I relish the collaborative aspect of my work, eagerly partnering with passionate clients who share my vision of unlocking economic, social, and cultural potential inherent in their sites. My philosophy centres on the importance of iterative design, achieved through extensive design workshops involving diverse teams and stakeholders. This meticulous approach, coupled with a well-conceived implementation strategy, is pivotal in bringing to life vibrant and thriving spaces for both living and working. I often describe myself as a dedicated problem solver, equipped with managerial skills and creative ingenuity, all geared towards assisting clients in realising their aspirations. This unique skill set has been instrumental in successfully delivering complex projects such as Marlow Film Studios and Moffett Park.

My diverse background, encompassing international and UK experiences, complements my fervent interest in sustainability and socioeconomics. This combination has proven invaluable in offering guidance to clients seeking to create cutting-edge economic hubs and dynamic neighbourhoods. My commitment to their success is unwavering, and I look forward to continuing to make a positive impact in this ever-evolving field.

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