Minzheng Wang

Urban Designer

With a background in landscape architecture, I have gained diverse experience across my career in landscape ecology, commercial design, public realms, and event spaces in regions from Europe and the Middle East to China.

Since joining Prior + Partners as an Urban Designer, I have been actively engaged in several exciting projects, such as Google Moffett Park, Dhurma, and Slowfood Farms. My strength lies in producing high-quality maps and diagrams, due to my excellent graphic skills and expertise in public realm design. Additionally, I’m proficient in Rhino and Grasshopper, which have proven valuable when encountering complex CAD-related challenges.

One of the things I appreciate most about my role is collaborating with talented individuals, from diverse backgrounds, on each project. This dynamic motivates me to continually enhance my skills and expand my architecture and urban planning knowledge, contributing to my growth as a well-rounded urbanist.

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