Aislinn Irvine

Urban Designer

I came to the field of urban design from an unorthodox academic background in languages, history and social sciences. Cities and design have always interested me, but it was my reading of theories around how spaces interact and shape human behaviour that first drew me to the field of urban design.

Following this, I pursued a Master’s in International Development Studies, where for my dissertation fieldwork investigation I spent three months in ex-conflict zones in rural Colombia. I focused on how the FARC’s (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces) spatial segregation in remote camps were impacting the group’s reintegration into Colombian civil society under the 2016 Peace Agreement. This research brought to my attention the important role that spatial design can play in social relations.

My studies have stimulated an interest in how good urban design principles can be employed to break down social isolation and create more equitable spaces for all. I have carried this drive for greater social equality, as well as a curiosity to learn about other places, people and cultures into my work as an Urban Designer at Prior + Partners.

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