How will your area's Spatial Development Strategy deliver a step change in ambition?
Strategic planning is making a comeback in England with the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the English Devolution White Paper. These spotlight the need for co-ordinated planning across local authority boundaries, empowering new “Strategic Authorities” with responsibilities including spatial planning, economic development, skills & employment and regeneration.
Last week, the Strategic Planning Group held its second topic-led session. This workshop explored how can we best set vision and ambition at a strategic scale.

Developing future SDSs will be a journey shaped by diverse voices, drawing consensus through constructive dialogue and positive debate. Key points from discussion at Session 2 included:
Resilient visions: SDSs need a bold vision that transcends political cycles. A vision that delivers clarity and confidence, guiding investment in infrastructure and delivering good growth;
Delivery focussed: SDSs must translate ambition into a clear, actionable spatial framework;
Effective communication: Clear place specific spatial diagrams should illustrate the vision of an SDS;
Collective energy: Building cross-party and cross-sector commitment should be a key focus for SDS visions.

Your turn – how can SDSs drive ambitious change in your area?
Learn more about the group and its workshops here.