Patrick Gulliver


My interest is what makes cities tick and how they can respond to the changing economic climate and global trends. Bringing my perspective to multidisciplinary projects which integrate economic strategy with strategic planning and masterplanning is the most exciting part of my work and has involved large scale commissions around the world.

In addition to city strategy, I have done a considerable amount of work on maximising the economic impact of strategic infrastructure including ports, airports, roads and rail and have an international track record in creating distinctive city districts at transport hubs and on waterfronts in the UK, Middle East, Africa, China and Australia.

After working in this field for over 30 years I am more conscious than ever that clear, simple and jargon free plans have a better chance of success and securing support from our diverse stakeholder groups. We pride ourselves in our evidence-based approach and analytical rigour but to be successful we must be able to distil this down to what really matters to our clients.

It is this challenge that motivates me in my work at Prior + Partners….

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