Becky Mumford

Senior Urban Planner

Through an interdisciplinary degree I came to understand that well designed cities are the most effective solution on my mission to narrow inequalities and secure environmental protections. This background afforded me a robust grounding in research and the ability to work flexibly. I am skilled at working across scales and drawing together different disciplines and themes to define a clear and compelling narrative for a place, associated planning and urban design solutions.

Whilst working to prepare a new Structure Plan for the capital of the Kingdom of Bhutan, Thimphu, I explored different methods to halt urban sprawl and the degradation of landscapes surrounding the city. Initially the project was recommended to define additional protections through an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) protected landscape designation. However, through further research and engagement, I identified additional legal and planning policy changes that would deliver the environmental protections required in a way that is responsive to the conditions of the place and ensure easier implementation.

At a smaller scale, I delivered a design guide for high-density residential buildings within Tower Hamlets, which received a Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) award for research excellence. This was based on extensive quantitative and qualitative research into the lives of those living and working at high-density, to ensure future buildings support a high quality of life and reflect the needs of the borough’s diverse residents.

Alongside professional practice, I continue to explore environmental and social sustainability tutoring at the Bartlett School of Planning.

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