Credit: NML

Planning Permission has been granted for the Canning Quaysides and Dry Docks development, part of a wider Waterfront Transformation Project led by National Museums Liverpool (NML): a 10-year project reimagining Liverpool’s waterfront through the creation of vibrant and welcoming public spaces for everyone to share, enjoy and explore the city’s rich heritage.

In renewing this globally significant waterfront, Asif Khan Studio led the designs for Canning Quaysides and Dry Docks that will deliver social, cultural and environmental improvements. Within a site extent of approximately 18,000 sqm, the proposals include public realm improvements, renewal and upgrade of the existing south dry dock, and the installation of a new pedestrian bridge connecting Hartley Quay with the Canning Dock southern quayside alongside supporting lighting and street furniture utilities.

Canning Dock’s history is rooted in Liverpool’s deep involvement in transatlantic slavery. The graving dock was used to clean and repair ships, including those that were destined to traffic enslaved people across the Atlantic to work. Millions of people died during this crossing, many on board Liverpool-built ships, and on the plantations across the Americas. The transformation will bring this history to the public realm and create a space for contemplation of its significance, whilst strengthening the cultural and tourism offer in the City.

Acting as planning consultant, Prior + Partners have worked closely with architects Asif Khan Studio and artist Theaster Gates, as well as Liverpool City Council to bring forward the proposals within this sensitive heritage context. Together they’ve ensured that the scheme prioritises minimal intervention to  promote effective conservation and enhancement of existing assets, whilst maximising pedestrian connectivity across the Waterfront and activating the currently underused quaysides.

Throughout the collaborative design and planning process, Prior + Partners have managed the Planning Application Conditions to unlock a phased implementation and development.

Credit: Asif Khan Studio and Theastre Gate
Credit: Asif Khan Studio
Credit: Asif Khan Studio and Theastre Gate
Credit: Asif Khan Studio